Mother's Day: A Mother's Journey with a Child with Down Syndrome

Motherhood is an incredible journey filled with love, joy and learning. For moms of children with Down Syndrome, this journey can even be unique and rewarding. In honor of Mother's Day, we had the pleasure of speaking with Tiffany, a mom who has been blessed with a toddler with Down syndrome. 

Read on and join us in celebrating this amazing mom and the strength, love, and dedication of all the mothers who are raising children with Down syndrome. 🌸 

"Your baby has a 98% chance of having Down syndrome.”  Definitely not the words I was expecting to hear as the OB doctor was delivering the results of my NIPT blood test to me. As I hung up the phone I felt shock, disbelief, sadness, and fear. But little did I know that this tiny person growing inside of me would turn out to be one of my greatest loves and blessings, and one of my life’s greatest teachers. My daughter, Arabella, is not even four yet, but in her short time here on earth, she has taught me some valuable lessons, just by being the amazing human that she is.

Here are some of the greatest things she has shown me:

Spread love and joy wherever you go

Arabella is the most joyful person I know. She literally radiates joy. Every morning she wakes up with a smile on her face and greets us with an enthusiastic, “Hi Mom!” and “Hi Dad!” She still sleeps in our room and we are lucky to wake up to the most joyful little alarm clock around!

Everywhere she goes, Arabella offers up an authentic and full-hearted smile, hello, or hug to a friend or stranger. She certainly knows how to brighten anyone’s day, and I’ve noticed that most people cannot help but smile when they encounter this sweet girl. Arabella truly sees people and takes the time to show them kindness. It’s amazing how far a simple smile and hello can help to bring some joy to someone who needs it.

Determination and resiliency

Arabella had to fight just to make it into this world. She was only given a 5 to 10% chance of being born and surviving. Through her tenacity and God’s goodness, she overcame all odds and is here today. I’ve seen that same grit and determination in the way she approaches challenges in her every day life. She is the most determined person I know, and never gives up.

Not to compare

With Down syndrome, sometimes it takes her a little longer to reach milestones that typical kids might reach at a faster pace. Instead of comparing her to others and worrying about it, I offer her the support she might need and I meet her where she is. I see her as her own unique and amazing person and I take joy in who she is, and in the journey. There is peace and joy to be had when we don’t compare ourselves to others.

Our worth and value is found in and of ourselves—not in what we do

I see that Arabella has a very special purpose in this world and she is able to fulfill that just by being herself. She is not more valuable based on what she can, or cannot do. That is the same for all of us. I am incredibly lucky and blessed to be the mother of this special little girl who has taught me, and will continue to teach me, some of life’s greatest lessons. 

Let us honor the amazing moms in our lives, and those raising children with Down syndrome, who are doing an incredible job every single day. Give them a hug and show our love and gratitude for these extraordinary women.

Follow @abellamiracle on Instagram to keep up with Arabella and her mom Tiffany!

Paradise Galleries Emma and Noah

Dolls with a Purpose

Paradise Galleries has partnered up with GiGi’s Playhouse, an organization with a mission to change the way the world views Down syndrome and to send a message of global acceptance.

A portion of every sale of Down syndrome Awareness Babies, Emma and Noah, will be donated to GiGi’s Playhouse to support their delivery of free educational, therapeutic-based and career development programs for individuals with Down syndrome, their families and the community.

Visit GiGi's Playhouse to learn more about their mission!

Share the Gift of Motherhood with Realistic Dolls

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Tall Dreams Ensemble

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Finn & Sparky Free Bassinet!

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Wishes & Dreams
