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Embracing Diversity with Down Syndrome Dolls at GiGi's Playhouse

We had the pleasure of interviewing Katie Gresko, Board Vice President of GiGi's Playhouse Orange County, about how Down Syndrome Awareness Dolls help bring joy to kids at their center. Katie shared the heartwarming stories of how these dolls are used in various activities, sparking imagination and teaching empathy. Both kids and adults adore them, finding comfort and joy in their presence.

Read on to discover the incredible ways these special dolls are making a big difference in their community, creating smiles and fostering inclusivity every day! 💙💛

How can toys like Down Syndrome awareness baby dolls help kids understand and accept differences?

If dolls with Down syndrome are common in society and not a rarity, Down syndrome will not be looked at as different. It will be something they are used to seeing and therefore more comfortable with Down syndrome.

How have you included Down Syndrome awareness baby dolls in the activities at GiGi's Playhouse?

The kids all love to play with the dolls when they attend programs at GiGi’s Playhouse. They are use more during Open Play times when participants use them for imagination play, which is crucial for development and socialization.

What do kids and adults at GiGi's Playhouse OC think about these dolls?

The GiGi’s participants love to take care of the dolls with Down syndrome just as they would a real live baby. These Down syndrome dolls teach how to care for others. The Down syndrome dolls are fed, changed, rocked, sang to, danced with, and lovingly care at GiGi’s Playhouse.

DS Awareness Baby Doll Emma at GiGi's Playhouse
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Explore Paradise Galleries Dolls With A Purpose

Paradise Galleries' Down Syndrome Awareness dolls are symbols of love, inclusivity, and education. Each doll celebrates diversity and raises awareness, making them perfect for children and collectors. Support a meaningful cause and add a unique touch to your collection. Explore our Down Syndrome Awareness dolls today!

Paradise Galleries Down Syndrome Reborn Baby Doll - Noah [21 inch]
Paradise Galleries Down Syndrome Reborn Baby Doll - Noah [21 inch]
Paradise Galleries Down Syndrome Reborn Baby Doll - Noah [21 inch]
Down Syndrome Awareness Baby Noah - Paradise Galleries
Down Syndrome Awareness Baby Noah - Paradise Galleries
Paradise Galleries Down Syndrome Reborn Baby Doll - Noah [21 inch]
Paradise Galleries Down Syndrome Reborn Baby Doll - Noah [21 inch]
Paradise Galleries Down Syndrome Reborn Baby Doll - Noah [21 inch]
Paradise Galleries Down Syndrome Reborn Baby Doll - Noah [21 inch]
Paradise Galleries Down Syndrome Reborn Baby Doll - Noah [21 inch]
Paradise Galleries Down Syndrome Reborn Baby Doll - Noah [21 inch]
Paradise Galleries Down Syndrome Reborn Baby Doll - Noah [21 inch]
Paradise Galleries Down Syndrome Reborn Baby Doll - Noah [21 inch]
Down Syndrome Awareness Baby Noah - Paradise Galleries
Down Syndrome Awareness Baby Noah - Paradise Galleries
Paradise Galleries Down Syndrome Reborn Baby Doll - Noah [21 inch]
Paradise Galleries Down Syndrome Reborn Baby Doll - Noah [21 inch]
Paradise Galleries Down Syndrome Reborn Baby Doll - Noah [21 inch]
Paradise Galleries Down Syndrome Reborn Baby Doll - Noah [21 inch]
Paradise Galleries Down Syndrome Reborn Baby Doll - Noah [21 inch]

Down Syndrome Awareness Baby Noah

Emma for Down Syndrome Awareness - 21
Emma for Down Syndrome Awareness - 21
Emma for Down Syndrome Awareness - 21
Emma for Down Syndrome Awareness - 21
Emma for Down Syndrome Awareness - 21
Emma for Down Syndrome Awareness - 21
Emma for Down Syndrome Awareness - 21
Emma for Down Syndrome Awareness - 21
Emma for Down Syndrome Awareness - 21
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Emma for Down Syndrome Awareness - 21
Emma for Down Syndrome Awareness - 21
Emma for Down Syndrome Awareness - 21
Emma for Down Syndrome Awareness - 21
Emma for Down Syndrome Awareness - 21
Emma for Down Syndrome Awareness - 21
Emma for Down Syndrome Awareness - 21
Emma for Down Syndrome Awareness - 21
Emma for Down Syndrome Awareness - 21
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Emma for Down Syndrome Awareness

Paradise Galleries Down Syndrome Awareness Baby Doll GiGi, 21 inches SoftTouch Vinyl
Paradise Galleries Down Syndrome Awareness Baby Doll GiGi, 21 inches SoftTouch Vinyl
Paradise Galleries Down Syndrome Awareness Baby Doll GiGi, 21 inches SoftTouch Vinyl
Paradise Galleries Down Syndrome Awareness Baby Doll GiGi, 21 inches SoftTouch Vinyl
Paradise Galleries Down Syndrome Awareness Baby Doll GiGi, 21 inches SoftTouch Vinyl
Down Syndrome Awareness Baby GiGi
Paradise Galleries Down Syndrome Awareness Baby Doll GiGi, 21 inches SoftTouch Vinyl
Paradise Galleries Down Syndrome Awareness Baby Doll GiGi, 21 inches SoftTouch Vinyl
Paradise Galleries Down Syndrome Awareness Baby Doll GiGi, 21 inches SoftTouch Vinyl
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Paradise Galleries Down Syndrome Awareness Baby Doll GiGi, 21 inches SoftTouch Vinyl
Paradise Galleries Down Syndrome Awareness Baby Doll GiGi, 21 inches SoftTouch Vinyl
Paradise Galleries Down Syndrome Awareness Baby Doll GiGi, 21 inches SoftTouch Vinyl
Paradise Galleries Down Syndrome Awareness Baby Doll GiGi, 21 inches SoftTouch Vinyl
Paradise Galleries Down Syndrome Awareness Baby Doll GiGi, 21 inches SoftTouch Vinyl
Down Syndrome Awareness Baby GiGi
Paradise Galleries Down Syndrome Awareness Baby Doll GiGi, 21 inches SoftTouch Vinyl
Paradise Galleries Down Syndrome Awareness Baby Doll GiGi, 21 inches SoftTouch Vinyl
Paradise Galleries Down Syndrome Awareness Baby Doll GiGi, 21 inches SoftTouch Vinyl
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Down Syndrome Awareness Baby GiGi
