Lucky Ducky's Nap Time Routine with Reborn Love
What's more fun and exciting than getting ready for nap and cuddles with your reborn babies? Do you follow a routine to help your reborn baby get a good night's sleep? Bonding is always a tender moment between a reborn parent and a reborn doll. It's therapeutic and feels like a reward especially after a hard and tiring day. For our friend Reborn Love, she makes sure her Baby Lily (Paradise Galleries Lucky Ducky) gets all the love before tucking her into bed. Watch her video as she walks us through her baby's favorite nap time routine.
"Lily usually likes to have some milk right before she takes a nap so now I'm going to give her her pacifier.
Lily really likes to watch YouTube videos so we're going to watch some videos together and in a few minutes I'm going to lay her down for a nap."
- Reborn Love
We hope you enjoyed Reborn Love's fun video as much as we did! Do you have a nap time routine for your reborn babies? What's their favorite snack and activity before bed? We'd love to hear from you! Tell us in the comments down below.