The past few weeks have been a trying time for all of us globally with social distancing, and uncertainty about what the months ahead will bring.
One of the main concerns during this time is the restricted visitation with the elderly community, and the family members that worry about their loved ones who are isolated in nursing homes or assisted care living.
We at Paradise Galleries empathize with those senior citizens who are lonely and miss being in contact with their family members. We have donated our reborn dolls to senior homes in the past, and it always warms our hearts to see how much our dolls bring them so much companionship and security.

To do our part, we would like to continue donating our dolls to those in senior living facilities, but we need your help!
If there is a nursing home that you would like us to donate our dolls to, please nominate them by commenting below with the name and location of the home. We will be choosing 3 facilities at random that will receive our dolls to love and cuddle!
Thank you for helping us share the love by bringing those in the elderly community dolls and smiles together.