⭐PG Partner Spotlight: Meet Melissa!
If you've ever been curious about the exciting world of Paradise Galleries Partners, look no further! 😊 Let's meet Mellissa, one of our official partners, and discover what she enjoys most about being a part of the Paradise Galleries community. And, if you're interested in becoming a partner just like her, keep reading!

How long have you been a fan of Paradise Galleries?
I received my first Paradise Galleries doll when I was around 7yrs old from my grandmother. It was a porcelain doll that had a pull string to talk. I was only allowed to play with it supervised as she was very special. Now the doll lovingly sits on my dresser. I consider her my first Paradise Galleries doll.
What was the first PG doll that you brought home?
As an adult I bought both Su-Lin and Lucky Ducky in a sale. I was so impressed with the quality of the dolls, the cuddle factor, and attention to detail in the outfits.
What do you love most about PG dolls?
The attention to detail, from the sculpting to the finishing touches on an outfit you can really see the importance the small details matter to Paradise Galleries. Paradise Galleries listens to the customers and offers dolls with more features we enjoy. I enjoy the new bodies, the baby scent, and rooted hair. There's something for everyone at Paradise Galleries. 💕
Can you tell us a little bit about being a Paradise Galleries partner?
Supporting a company I love on launches for new releases and experiencing all the excitement/anticipation for the Paradise community to be revealed the doll is such an honor. Taking photos, videos, and doing reviews is so much fun especially when you get an adorable new doll to love as a Thank you. Being a Paradise Galleries partner is such a dream opportunity to me.
What is your favorite part of partnering with Paradise Galleries?
Getting to see and own the new doll before anyone else and building up the excitement for the new release is so fun.

Be friends with Melissa! Connect and follow her on Instagram: @lets.play.dolls
Melissa's favorite doll: Noah for Down Syndrome Awareness

Meet Noah our beloved baby boy. Just when you think you know what love is, this little baby looks up at you with his twinkling brown almond eyes and smiles. Indeed, he is truly unique and one of a kind. Squeeze his baby cheeks and he’ll stick his tongue out! His adorable expression reflects pure joy as he finds a home with you, forever.
Shop Baby Boy Noah! 🌈⭐A portion of every sale of Down syndrome Awareness Babies, Emma and Noah, will be donated to GiGi’s Playhouses to support their delivery of free educational, therapeutic-based and career development programs for individuals with Down syndrome, their families and the community.
Be a Paradise Galleries Partner like Melissa!
We're looking for our truest fans to become official partners of Paradise Galleries! Send us your best photos of your Paradise Galleries collection for a chance to be a PG Partner! Receive information about upcoming launches and even FREE products before release!