20th Anniversary Employee Spotlight: Peggy Vicioso
Peggy Vicioso is a name you might commonly hear in the doll world, a well known figure and seasoned veteran whose creativity has touched the brands of Paradise Galleries, Marie Osmond Dolls, Annette Funicello Bears, and countless others. Peggy’s expert eye for exquisite detail, has helped shape Paradise Galleries brand since it was acquired by Charisma Brands in 2008. She’s worked with countless artists throughout the years to create beautiful dolls and plush while always searching for the new and innovative, such as Flex-Touch vinyl, which has revolutionized the way our dolls feel!!!!
There’s much to admire in Peggy, her impressive resume of work is also evident in her everyday presence in the office. Whether it’s a quick remark about changing the fabric or altering the size of something on a doll, it’s easy to see her knack for designing them is not only well-versed, it’s inherent. I think I could work here twice as long as her and never quite hit the mark as she does.
While Peggy prefers to stay out of the limelight, often crediting work to her peers and other artists, we encouraged her into an interview because this happens to be her 20th Anniversary in the doll industry.
How would you describe your journey as a doll creative director? Unexpected! I started my career in fashion, that’s where I thought I would stay but I quickly found out that there are a lot of similarities in doll design since most of our dolls wear some kind of fashion. I wear many hats in my day-to-day job but love the creative parts the best.
“I have had the pleasure to make several dolls with Peggy during the years I worked for Marie Osmond dolls. One of the highlights during that time was sculpting Baby Peggy and also Sara, her daughter as dolls for the Marie Osmond doll line” –Karen Scott
We know there’s MANY, but what are some of your favorite memories from the last 20 years? Some of my favorite memories are working with Marie Osmond, she taught me so much about design, friendship and that laughter is always the best medicine. I also had the wonderful opportunity work with other celebrity designers such as Annette Funicello and Richard Simmons who also shared their creativity with me.
Do you have any dolls that stick out in your mind as favorites? I love Marie Osmond’s “Rae” doll sculpted by the extraordinary artist, Karen Scott. She was introdced in 2002 and is still on display in my home. Marie also honored me by commissioning Karen Scott to create Baby Peggy and Baby Sara (for my daughter), what special dolls those are! As an avid seamstress, I love the Marie Osmond’s Pin Cushion Dolls, they are elegant and uniquely vintage. More recently, Baby Penelope is one of my favorites from a new artist I found in Mexico, Mayra Garza. Mayra is so talented and equally kind.
“Her brilliance as a brand manager comes from innate ability to put her finger on the pulse of pop culture trends. This coupled with her great sense of humor and genuine concern and nurturing of the lines she is involved with make her a stand out in the industry! ” -Tim Luke
Any future projects we can look forward to? I have been working on a One of a Kind Gallery page to go on ParadiseGalleries.com. I would like to share with our Paradise Galleries collectors what One-of–a-Kind Artist dolls from around the world and introduce our collectors to the Artists. It will be fun to share with collectors more about the art of doll making, share the Artist story and inspiration behind their creation.
I noticed you are quite crafty – is this a quality you think you gained from your work here are did being crafty lend itself to the job? Oh no, I was born crafty thanks to a crafty mother. My mom is my inspiration; she can make something of nothing. She is the reason I have such a hard time throwing anything away, I always think…I could make something out of this….so I keep it and often times DO make something of it.
Can you share your proudest moment in your career with us? I am most proud of my projects that have “given back”, work with the National Multiple Sclerosis Society, Children’s Miracle Network and the Alzheimer’s Association. I remember page-2back in 2005 we had an opportunity to participate in a Disney Charity Auction and our Marie Osmond One-of–a-Kind, porcelain, Disney Princess fetched $14,000!
Tell us 10 things we might not know about you?
- I learned to sew at 7 years old, made a shift dress, it was orange striped.
- I love Black and White cookies.
- I cannot hum a tune let alone sing one.
- I’ve had a job since I was 16 years old, no lapses, always worked.
- My most favorite color is Orange, it’s happy like the sun.
- I’ve always had a dog (or two); their unconditional love is an amazing life lesson.
- My favorite movie is The Notebook (I am hopeless romantic) I am married to my high school sweetheart.
- I am a Breast Cancer Survivor
- I am the youngest of three girls, when my dad wanted to talk in our house he would raise his hand, really!
Thank you for sharing Peggy, here’s to another twenty years with you!